May 222019

Hello everyone, Sadly the time has come for me to update you all.

Glen passed away last Wednesday, 15th May at 12.30. It was peaceful, pain free and at home, just as he wanted. A very close friend of ours and I looked after Glen on in the hours before he passed, with sunshine and birdsong streaming into the room.

This happened terribly suddenly in the end, but as we know, Glen wasn’t one to wait around for things to happen to him in life, so it seems sort of fitting that he should apply the same principle to his passing.

I’ve tried to talk to as many of you as possible in the last few days and to spread the news by word of mouth wherever possible. Thanks for your kind messages and support. As a non social media user, I’ll only be checking the blog comments and Glen’s FB activity from time to time. If anyone has any urgent questions, my dear friend Genevieve has kindly offered to help. Her FB name is Gen A Veeve.

Glen didn’t want a big funeral, so we’ve planned something small and private. Thank you for respecting his wishes and our privacy at this time. I know some groups Glen’s affiliated with are already planning their own way of saying goodbye to him. I’d love to hear about any memorials/celebrations you decide to plan. Glen also didn’t want any flowers and had said that if anyone really wanted to do something, they could make a donation to a young person’s arts charity in his name instead. Or, feel free to pick another charity of your choice.

Sending you all lots of love and solace in this sad time.


 Posted by at 18:59

  15 Responses to “Glen news from Clare”

  1. Clare- I am so sorry for you loss. I sent Glen a message via FB a few weeks ago, but I do not believe he got around to reading it. Perhaps you would like to read the words I wrote as a small comfort:


    I am sure you are getting inundated with messages right now. Please allow for one more from me.

    Though we didn’t know each other well, I have nothing but fond memories: rehearsing for an Angels in America scene, the house on Carrollton Ave (that I guess you grew up in?) with all that awesome gothic shit, working with you on a Shakespeare show… also, my brother recently told me that he essentially played you in that show Anthony Favre wrote. It was called a Toast to the End of the World. Remember it?

    The last time I saw you was in the New Orleans airport. I was astounded and pleased to see how different and well and handsome you looked. We may not communicate often, but I have kept up with your life over the years via these Facebook shenanigans.

    I am glad to read that you have had a good life. From my perspective, you deserved nothing less.

    I wish you, and your lady, strength and peace.

    If there is any small thing I can do in your honor, please let me know.”

    I know he will be missed by many. Take care.

    -Jessica Daigle

  2. So sorry to hear this. I only met Glen a few times, but I found him delightful.

  3. Clare, love to you. So sad to hear of Glen’s passing. Praying for strength and peace for you.

  4. R.i.p glen you was such a caring man, I remember when I first met you at the bfc and as my partner walked away to talk to other people after chatting you you, you came and sat with mr and kept me company, and you when I was in hospital you also checked how I was, you are a amazing man who I have do much respect for
    Fly high with the angels
    Love chauntelle Wilson burrows and Robert Spalding
    Xx thinking of you Clare if you need anything please dont hesitate to give us a shout on fb or wherever xx

  5. Dear Clare; Our thoughts and prayers are with you.. I knew Glen and his Dad scence Glenn was about 15. His dad and I were friends from the Renn faires… Glen as his dad was a gentleman to the The max.He will be missed. Love Sallie & Marvin Schulman.

  6. I am so very sorry to hear this news. Thanks for letting us know and if Charlotte and I can do anything to help you during this tour time, please let us know

  7. Clara… I was Glen’s roommate during his year at Dell’arte and I have nothing but fond memories of him. He was an amazing cook who helped me navigate the bounty of California… he taught me to love Sake… he helped me with all my computer woes… he was generous and funny… I’m so sorry to hear that he has died. I will be thinking of Glen in the weeks to come and reminiscing about our times together.
    Lisa Anne Ross
    (All the way up on Canada)

  8. I am so sorry, Clare. Very best wishes from us. (Liz Williams)

  9. Its very sad to hear of this news. He was a great guy and will be missed by all who knew him.

  10. Thank you for making this post and sharing this sad news. I worked with Glen and will miss and remember him.

  11. Clare,
    We sadly never got the chance to meet, but I am so very sorry to hear of your loss of Glen. We attended high school together and have occasionally kept in touch since I moved to the UK. I have made a donation to BLM in his honour.
    Be at peace when you can and thanks for loving him
    Mona Morgan

  12. Dear Clare , my thoughts are with you. I was in school with Glen at Dell Arte International School of Physical Theatre exactly 20 years ago. Glen and I reconnected in 2011 when I moved to London for grad school. Sending you lots of love.

  13. Dear Clare,

    We’ve never met and I’m not sure Glen may even have mentioned me. I was a classmate at Oxford and I just want you to know that Glen was special and it was an absolute pleasure to have known him. My thoughts and prayers are with you and his family in this very difficult time.

  14. Words fail at a time like this. I only knew Glen a short time but he hd a deep impact. I imagine he had this effect on many people. He was a shooting star – rate, bright, inspiring, and gone to soon, but never forgotten. Much love

  15. I am dreadfully sorry to read this blog; the words no one ever wants to have to write. I knew Glen through his work, mainly at Nesta. He was a powerful inspiration and sounding board. It is incredibly hard to bear someone who was such a force for good in the world being taken from it. Sending you love and the knowledge that there is such a wide network of people who Glen has inspired and supported. He will live on in so many people’s memories.

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