Mar 122008
Final Hilary days...

I have today finished my Macroeconomics and Technology/Innovation strategy work– except for the TIS exam. I think we did a pretty good job with the analysis of Social Lending (Zopa, Prosper) as an emerging market. It’s a fascinating world which, like any innovation, could be world-changing and could fade away. According to the academic thinking, […]

 Posted by at 15:19
Feb 212008
Winning Streak!

Man, oh, man, what a week. First, we left our potato economy in Macroeconomics and invented money. See, to understand a few things, it was easier if we had a single market, a single unit of currency, and a single product of production: Potatoes. Yes, folks, I took out $80,000 in loans to study potatoes. […]

 Posted by at 11:08
Feb 102008
Michaelmas term grades, halfway through Hilary, electives, work work work

Michaelmas (first term) grades finally came out. Remember, with these numbers, that grades are different here than in the US. A 50 is a pass, a 60 is a “strong pass”, and a 70 is a “distinction”. Decision Science: 64 Developing Effective Managers: 63 Finance 1: 63 Financial Reporting: 62 Managerial Economics: 59 Strategy 1: […]

 Posted by at 04:29
Jan 082008

My first term at Oxford is over. It consisted of six core subjects: Finance I, Strategy I, Managerial Economics, Decision Science (Statistics), Developing Effective Managers (Organisational Behaviour), and Financial Reporting (Accounting). There were a few amazing lecturers, a few average ones, and a couple of really, unconscionably bad ones. I’ve shared my thoughts on the […]

 Posted by at 11:24